Tiny Tiger classes work towards improved coordination, respectful communication, and increased self-confidence. Our teaching style is based on positive motivation with individual attention. In each class, we practice meditation, stretching, warming up, and martial arts kicks or forms to help them master the basics. Above all, these classes are fun!


Grasshopper classes build on these basic skills, adding higher levels of cardiovascular development, increased strength and flexibility, and a sense of self-discipline. We use positive motivation to teach more complex forms and more challenging kicks. The students gain a better understanding of how to practice martial arts responsibly.


The teen and adult classes offer the most in-depth training, stress relief, effective self-defense and the ability to fine-tune your martial arts skills. We incorporate stretching techniques and meditation into an intense but fun workout. No matter where your fitness level or martial arts experience lies, you will train with world-class instructors to improve in all areas.

Some of our children and teens that have shown exceptional attitude and abilities are invited to join our Demonstration Team, where they will perform advanced martial arts routines at major events throughout the year, enhancing their leadership skills and solidifying friendships. They gain a greater understanding of responsibility within the group and to the community.

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Since our judo classes are uniquely challenging, joining our judo team is by invitation only. Learn an Olympic sport that focuses on basic throwing and falling techniques in a safe -- yet rigorous -- environment. Improve your coordination, flexibility and overall fitness with this exciting hands-on class.


Though Han Martial Arts is known for the quality of its group classes, private lessons are also available. You can reserve a 20-minute lesson for additional benefits such as developing confidence for group sessions, self-defense instruction, or improving forms/techniques.

Start Your 2-Week Trial!

Call us at 510-336-0699 or click here to email us!